Asch Group Conformity

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Jacob Cummings Mrs.Gumia English III 13 April 2015 Group Conformity What influences the decisions in our life? Do you pride yourself as an individual thinker or rather someone who goes along with the crowd? The Asch Experiment demonstrates how the individuals around you may have a greater effect on you than you think. The Asch Experiment tests if people will conform to a group even if they know they are incorrect. To illustrate how our decisions are made we will observe social studies that analyze group conformity such as the Asch Experiment as well as some others and determine how group conformity transforms society. Group Conformity Before looking at experiments that test group conformity we must first understand what it is. Psychology…show more content…
The Asch Experiment was conducted to test if this is true. The Asch conformity experiments are among the most famous in psychology's history and have inspired a wealth of additional research on conformity and group behavior. The experiment was conducted in 1951 by psychologist Solomon Asch. The aim of the experiment was to first see if people would conform to a group even though the know what they are saying is incorrect. Another part of the test was to see if changing the circumstances would change the peoples reactions. Asch was also trying to find out the reason why people might choose to…show more content…
Nearly seventy-five percent of the participants in the conformity experiments went along with the rest of the group at least one time. After test the students were asked why they choose the incorrect answer. There were many reasons for the students choosing incorrect one being normative conformity, meaning they didn’t want to be criticized for being different. Another reason is informational conformity, meaning, they believed if the majority of people are saying one thing they must be correct. These results suggest that conformity can be influenced both by a need to fit in and a belief that other people are smarter or better informed. Asch also found that by making one confederate answer differently than the rest it can reduce conformity by up to eighty percent. After the test the students felt warmth and good feeling toward their partner, but did not say that they affected their choice. This shows that people choose to conform not due to the number of people against them, but to the fact that the are
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