Summary Of Pillars Of The Republic By Carl Kaestle

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Carl Kaestle author the book Pillars of the republic: common schools and American society, 1780-1860. The book is about the common school system in the early republic and antebellum period. He refer to the “"Common School" means elementary school intended to serve all the children” The early 1800s in the United States witnessed societal changes of the people's commitment to republican government, by their trust in Protestant values, and by the development of capitalism that influenced the development of the common school. These societal changes led in a change from individual choice and local control to a more centralized education in which the government controlled. The societal changes of republicanism in America happen after the United States Revolution. The founding fathers were commitment to forming a representative republic to ensure the prosperity of the nation. . Kaestle argues they believed that “Education could be important in reconciling freedom and order” (Kaestle, 4-5). In order to have a Democratic republic government men must be educated men to avoiding anarchy and…show more content…
Kaestle states there are ten major propositions that portray native Protestant ideology. Some of the propositions where “... the importance of individual character in fostering social morality; the importance for character building of familial and social environment (within certain racial and ethnic limitations); the sanctity and social virtues of property; the equality and abundance of economic opportunity in the US; and the necessity of a determined public effort to unify America’s polyglot population, chiefly through education.” Public Education was seen as a solution to resolve these problems associated with societal changes. The societal changes cause concern about crime, poverty, cultural alienation, and political instability that are contributed effects of republicanism and

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