One American's Story: The Townshend Acts Are Passed

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Outline 6.2 One American's Story Crispus attucks was born into slavery in Framingham,Massachusetts around 1723 and escaped by running away to the sea Attucks was a sailor for the next 20 years who worked on whaling boats and changed his name to Michael Johnson so that he could not be recaptured as a slave again. Attucks went to Boston on March 1770 and was shot in the Boston Massacre which became know for one of America’s most tragic history The Townshend Acts Are Passed After all the Riots and uproars during the stamp act the British still needed money to pay the debt for all the expenses they owed during the French and Indian War. The Townshend act was passed on parliament in 1767 by Charles Townshend and New York's assembly could not

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