Summary Of Learning In The Key Of Life By Jon Spayde

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In “Learning in the Key of Life,” Jon Spayde examines the meaning of being educated. He argues that being educated means learning the humanities. He believes that the poor will have richer lives with the humanities because, in Shorris’ words, it provides the “foundation for getting along in the world, for thinking, for learning to reflect on the world instead of just reacting to whatever forces is turned against you”. Spayde shows that humanities or slow knowledge is critical to quality education and quality living. However, I disagree when Spayde says: “Indeed, slow knowledge is what’s needed to save the planet from ecological disaster and other threats posed by technological, millennial society”. On the one hand, he is right to say that technology ruined the environment because of overproduction and…show more content…
Spayde argues that slow knowledge that is based on “ecological and cultural context” is better than “fast knowledge” that “zips through the terminals of information society”. He proves this by saying that fast knowledge provides technology, but this technology has no sense of morality and collectiveness. He also differentiates hard facts from having the slow knowledge or ethics in properly using facts. In other words, he stresses that present society is more technologically advanced, and yet it is not emotionally, socially, and culturally prepared for this advancement. What is wrong with this statement is that he underestimates the role of technology in advancing slow knowledge, while also demeaning the value of fast knowledge. At the same time, he does not acknowledge the value of technology in resolving environmental problems and issues through providing slow knowledge. This essay will prove that these contentions on the balanced outlook on fast and slow knowledge and the importance of technology in ecology are correct through evidence and

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