Unnecessary Behavior Modification Paper

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Unnecessary Apology Behavior Modification When someone fears another's response, or feel a sense of guilt, even if irrational, excessive use of apologies can occur. In one study done by Frederickson the author found that apologies reduce aggressive reactions across the cultures with their focus on woman apologizing (Frederickson, 2010). Bruno, Lutwak, & Agin found guilt is a leading cause for excessive apologies, and guilt is tied to many other negative emotions which can lead to emotional distress (Bruno, Lutwak, & Agin, 2009). This experiments purpose was to learn why someone excessively apologizes, and to try to modify that behavior. A psychologist, Sarah McMahon, reported many reasons people excessively apologize, and said to look…show more content…
The independent variable is excessive use of apologizing, saying “I’m sorry”, and the operational definition is to decrease unnecessary apologies to 0 times a day, unless there is a legitimate reason to apologize. The desired change is to only apologize when it is necessary by using personal intervention strategies chosen by the participant. The three strategies used to modify this behavior were two rewards, involving two dollars in a jar every day there was a tally of 0 apologies, as well as a reminder for unnecessary apologies by a snap of a rubber band to the wrist and mental reminder that there was nothing to apologize for after each apology. After one week of no apologies there would be a coffee reward, and if two weeks are achieved the participant would get to get their nails done with the money in the jar. The materials used were a rubber band, dollar bills, a jar and Excel. Every day a tally was kept on apologies, the first fourteen days was strictly observational and the last fourteen days a tally was kept after implementing the intervention

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