Summary: Bi-Weekly ILP Review

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Late Entry On 9/29/2015, client walks in the social service office and CM completed Bi-Weekly ILP Review. Client was dressed appropriate for the weather. She was well groomed,. Her affect was appropriate. CM inquires if the client had any recent seizure disorder. Client replies "No" because she is not spending time in the shelter. She spend day with her children and her new boyfriend. Client report she met her new acquaintance through another resident. She continues to report the relationship is flourishing. She also mentioned she goes to Church every Sunday. Client mentions she attended her scheduled neurology appointment at Woodhull Hospital. She continues to report that was her initial assessment and another appointment is scheduled for 10/2015. CM advised the client for every meeting to bring all medications and correspondence. CM continues to…show more content…
(Client must submit an update budget letter) Client did not submit proof of saving as stipulated in the saving contract CM and client developed on 06/18/15. Client reported no legal issues Client report she drinks occasionally. She feels she can control her drinking and it doesn’t affect her seizures disorder. She also report she is waiting for a new PCP to be assigned. Client is GP and housing package was submitted and circulating. She also applied for the LINC IV (plus) voucher which it's pending. She also submitted letter from her previous Home Health Setvices Ms. Morgan/CAMBA Home Health Care Coordinator to assist her with the disenrollment and to enroll her in CAMBA Home Health Service. Client is a strong, opinionated woman. She is in complete denial of her medical condition. CM reiterates the shelter rule and regulation and for the client to maintain her dorm area clean and clutter free and for the client to adhere to the shelter 10pm curfew.CM reviewed the Bi-Weekly ILP Review. Client agreed and signed. Next Bi-Weekly ILP is scheduled for

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