Structural Unemployment

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INTRODUCTION Structural Unemployment simply refers to the mismatch between the jobs available and the skill levels of the unemployed. In simpler terms, there are jobs available in the economy and people are willing to work but they are not technically qualified enough for that job. It occurs when the structure of industry changes, i.e., when the labor market is unable to provide jobs for everyone who wants one due to mismatch between the skills of unemployed workforce and the skills required for the available jobs, paucity of the right skill in the economy, decline in an industry, occupational immobility etc. Growth should be inclusive and sustainable. One of the crucial determinant of the same is it should be employment intensive. India…show more content…
Machines are designed to perform a specific set of jobs in order to increase the productivity. Automation causes a reinforcement of skills rather than a reduction of workforce. This directly leads to structural unemployment since the robots can be programed to perform a series of tasks without any error. This improves customer experience and it ensures better quality of products and services. As a next stage, companies have also started investing heavily on AI in order to perform complex activities. This requires employs to be completely aware of the changes happening in technology. Firms also demand for automation (such as Artificial Intelligence) in order to increase their profitability. There is not only an increase in demand for quantity but there is an increase in demand for quality as well. Currently automation is one of the reasons people are losing jobs. As more organizations embrace automation (AI), there will be a huge requirement of people with such attribute. It will just a matter of time before machines start thinking on its own and working by their own thoughts (artificial intelligence). These technologies lead to a choice between the highly skilled labors and the right skilled labors of the economy. Even if a labor is highly skilled, he/she may not know how to use these technologies. But in case of a right skilled labor, he/she has the right skills that are required for…show more content…
One of the most important element of an economy is the share market. Since the introduction of the dematerialized account or the De-mat account there has been really less intermediaries in the share market which again causes structural unemployment. Shares are being traded electronically and it doesn’t require lots of human interference in the process. Certain sectors like IT/ ITES will undergo a phase of structural unemployment over the next couple of years until the existing workforce is up
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