Stroop Effect Experiment Abstract

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Stroop Effect April 7, 2017 Frank Gengaro / Catherine Cho Rutgers University Experimental Psychology Lab Report Abstract The Stroop Effect is a study that investigates automatic processes. Some activities like typing and reading get processed automatically through a prolonged practice. This means that automatic processes happen to everyone, fast and unnoticed. Rutgers undergraduate students will use an online Stroop test so record and compare how fast they read words that mean a color and are a color. One test will have the Word Green in the color Green, while another test will have the word “green” in black. The experiment will help us understand automatic processes with reaction time. It is predicted that the font…show more content…
These behaviors are done repeatedly to the point where they become an Automated and unconscious. The automation process is important because it allows for behaviors to happen unconsciously, while other task is being carried out. According to a 2001 study by Wheatley and Wegner, people can unconsciously carry out task while being attentive to other task less accustomed task. In order to study Automatic behaviors psychologist create an experimental environment in which automatic behaviors can interfere with conscious behaviors. J.R. Stroop’s 1935 experiment presented subjects with the names of colors in various colors. Subjects had to name the word when it’s the same color. And record the time. Then participants would show words not in the color the word is and record the time. Stroop would also ask participants to say the name of colors that were shown in various shapes. Stroop found that subjects needed more time to say the color of the ink than to read the word. It took an average of 46 seconds longer for subjects to get through the condition where words for spelled out and not in their color. This same study was repeated multiple times with the same result, which holds this experiment and its results truth. Francis, Neath, VanHorn did a study in 2008, and concluded that a cognitive task that is repeated often without consciousness, eventually become…show more content…
The students will take two tests. One test will have the word of a color with the ink the same color as the word. That time will be recorded. Then the second test the same subject will have to respond to the word this time when they aren’t in their color. The independent variable is whether the color is the same as the word that the color is (word green is the color green). The dependent variable is the time it takes people to respond to the stimulus. The participants had to identify the color of the word using a key on a space bar. The averages were found by averaging each trial within in each condition. The control group was the words not in their color. The experimental was the words that were in their

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