Strength-Base Perspective In Clinical Social Work

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The purpose of the assignment is to educate practitioners about the application of strength-base perspective in clinical social work as a field of specialization. Throughout the years, it might happen that clinical social workers were not aware of the strength-base perspective. The reason been it might be due to ignorance, inability to apply strength, lack of information about Continues Development Program and APS points. Clinical social workers can apply strength-base perspective through methods of social work such as case work, group work, community work, administration and research. HISTORY OR BACKGROUND According to the Centre of Clinical Social Work 2009, Clinical social work is a mental-health profession whose practitioners, educated in social-work graduate INTRODUCTION schools and trained under supervision, master a distinctive body of knowledge and skill in…show more content…
The worker should keep on pointing out capabilities of learning, growing and changing. The social worker should also be able to encourage the client to belief on herself and that in life there are challenges that we have to face and we need to develop strength and resilience, and that provides opportunities to become new and a real person (Teater, 2010:42). Firth Principle Helping activities in naturally occurring settings in the community are encouraged (Kisthardt, 2009:57). For example, in working with the client to initiate her project of sowing, that might have a greater impact within the community if the project successes. It might create job opportunities and this might also assist the social worker to do assessment in the community to identity the resources, strength and skills of the community members when doing community work as a method in social work. It might also assist the worker to address the problem of stigmatization or labelling when doing community work as a method. Sixth

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