Occupational Therapy Reflective Report

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Reflective Report In this assignment I will complete a reflective report on two types of occupational therapy interviews, The Canadian Occupational Therapy Performance Measure (COPM), and The Occupational Case Analysis Interview and Rating Scale (OCAIRS). Each of these interview guides contain their own unique contrasting format. An interview entails of two people maintaining a conversation, in our case between an occupational therapist and his/her client. However interviews can vary significantly, for example the client type, and the duration of the interview. “A confused person may not be able to engage in a long interview, whereas an acutely distressed person may become calmer with the sustained and undivided attention of the therapist”…show more content…
The OCAIRS was developed to access a person’s occupational adaption. “The OCAIRS is conceptually based on the model of occupation (1) and, accordingly, the areas it covers correspond to concepts from the model” (Shei, Haglund & Kielhofner, 1994, p.p 267 - 273). The Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) was the first model used in occupational therapy. “The MOHO sees each client as a unique individual whose characteristics determine the nature of the objectives and therapeutic strategies” (Costa & Othero, 2012, p.p 316 - 327). The OCAIRS interview guide is semi – structured. There are twelve sub – headings located within the OCAIRS, including personal causation, values, interests, skills, roles, habits, physical environment, social environment, readiness for change, short – term goals, long – term goals and interpretation. Furthermore, within each sub – heading there are questions that are related specifically to the sub – heading, i.e what is the most important value to you? Similar to the COPM’s examples, I found this particularly helpful as it gave me a baseline to source my questions. Under each sub – heading there is also a rating scale. This rating scale is known as the FAIR scale. Unlike the COPM, the FAIR scale is rated from 1 – 5. The scale is used so the occupational therapist can make a judgement of the clients overall functioning over a substantial period pf time.…show more content…
(2014) Assessment and outcome measurement, Alison Bullock. Creek’s Occupational Therapy and Mental Health. Edinburgh, London, New York, Oxford, Philadelphia, St Louis, Sydney, Toronto: Church Livingstone Elevier. p.p 72 – 85. Carswell, A., McColl, M.A., Baptiste, S., Law, M., Polatajko, H., & Pollock, N. (2004). The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure: A research and clinical literature review. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71(4), 210-222. Costa, A., Othero, M. (2012) Palliative Care, Terminal Illness, and the Model of Human Occupation. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, Vol 30(4), p.p 316 – 327. [Peer Reviewed Journal]. http://informahealthcare.com.libgate.library.nuigalway.ie/doi/pdf/10.3109/02703181.2012.743205 Creek, J., Lougher, L. (2008), Assessment and Outcomes Measurement, Alison Bullock and Jennifer Creek. Occupational Therapy and Mental Health. . Edinburgh, London, New York, Oxford, Philadelphia, St Louis, Sydney, Toronto: Church Livingstone Elevier. p.p81 – 107. Dedding, C., Cardol, M., Eyssen, I.C.J.M., Dekker, J., Beelen, A. (2004) Validity of the Canadian occupation performance measure: a client-centred outcome measurement. Clinical Rehabilitation: 18, nr. 6, p.p

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