Stigma Of Rape Essay

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Rape is a menace in the Philippines and elsewhere around the globe. For the victims of rape cases, it is a nightmare. Freedom of the victim is stolen. It becomes a stigma to the affected individuals particularly if it results to unwanted pregnancies. That stigma shall almost stay permanently in the victim’s memories. Samantha Gluck. “The stigma of being a rape victim.” (Gluck, 2011) Indeed, it is a problem. Is there a way out to help individuals who have been traumatized because of being raped? Of course, there are many social programs of government along this matter, trying to help rape victims return to their normal lives. (National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 2010) Abortion is unacceptable act in the general public yet; people do…show more content…
The stigma of rape is so embedded in human’s culture in which people commonly don’t realize that their comments and feedbacks hurts the sexual abused individuals.(Gluck, 2011) A sexually abused woman, Bethany Rivett, shared her experience with the stigma of rape on a TV show, she said that when she shared to the public that she has been sexually abused, she was faced with responses of complete discomfort. Some individuals were frightened to converse about it, some didn't make judgment while others said the needed things for them to move on and change topic. (Gluck, 2011) Pregnancies ending from rape or incest are accidental by meaning.(Elena Prada, 2011) Hence, abortion will be the end result and without having done that, it would result to depression due to the fact that the father of the child is unknown and a child from unintended circumstance of rape. This would also make flashbacks to the bearer and may result to painful psychological harm. RAPE AND ABORTION The victim is too young to have any babies and the baby might just be hurt physically. A rape victim is already suffering the emotional effects of the criminality that has been committed against her and then she will be forced to have the baby. This may even result into even bigger emotional

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