Stereotypes Of Biker Gangs

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When you hear the term Biker Gangs most people think of these big men riding Harleys and all tattooed, yes that is a true stereotype but theres more than just that. Biker Gangs have been around for many years and recently there was a biker gang shootout in a small place of Waco, Texas. More biker gangs are located in the state of Texas which is not hard to believe and it is true because most biker gangs originate from Texas. There are many biker gangs in the USA not just certain ones. The most common one that everyone has heard of is Hells Angels and there are stories about how they're the scariest and most gruesome one around. Hells Angels are the reason most people think that Bikers are just huge,tattooed, Harley riding men and women even.…show more content…
There were many reports of this happening plus with all the evidence found this was a planned shootout. Some evidence found was there were over 1,000 found in one restaurant and they were all hidden. Biker gangs are not just cold blooded people looking to kill, some say that they are out looking for freedom or to even find themselves and see who they really are. There were some innocent people killed during this shootout, 9 were shot outside of a store and more were killed running away from the shootout. Biker Gangs are always competing to see who's the best so survival of the fittest. The names of the gangs have not been yet revealed by the police. The police do as much as they can to protect the cities and all around the police were on the case right away and still are investigating the Waco shootout.

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