Die Ehe Der Maria Braun

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In this essay, I want to analyze the movie “Die Ehe Der Maria Braun”. This movie, I feel has helped me understand better the position of Germany, post WWII as well as modern Germany. For being an economic student, the most important aspect that I wanted to look at was the socio-economic repercussions, the wars had on Germany. I feel this movie is able to depict this, closest to the actual conditions that existed back then. It employs the technique of ‘alienation’ by Fassbinder (a technique inspired by Bertolt Brecht idea of ‘V-Effekt’ or A- (for alienation) effect in English). Alienation relies on the theory of ‘epic theater’ (by Brecht) that encourages the audience to remain alert and form their own opinion by identifying the actors as a ‘third person’ in the film. This detaches the audiences from the actors and urges the audience to recognize the “strangeness” of having feelings for fictitious characters. By the use of…show more content…
Fassbinder uses Maria’s life as a metaphor to demonstrate the existing conditions in Germany. She, in the film, effectively uses all of her resources in order to achieve her goals, even if it required the sacrifice of her moral values. For example, the train scene where she uses information provided by the ticket collector in order to gain an ‘upper hand’ while trying to seduce the wealthy industrialist, Karl Oswald. Maria put aside her personal life and all feelings to reach her ultimate goal of material wealth. The same could be said for Germany. Like Maria, Germany had become emotionless because of a refusal to mourn, or in denial of the past events. It had no time to realize the damages caused and instead used all her available resources to rebuild her. The decline in moral values reflected as increase in

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