Standardized Value Added Products Essay

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Sensory evaluation of standardized value added products Sensory evaluation provides an index of overall acceptability of foodstuffs, which depend on its appearance, flour, taste, texture, aftertaste, and overall acceptability. To ensure the acceptability of the modified recipes, they were subjected to evaluation by composite scoring for their sensory qualities. The standardized value added products were prepared and presented to a panel of 15 judges. Specific sensory characteristics of each product (appearance, color, flavor, taste, texture and overall acceptability) were rated separately using hedonic scale on a scale of 1 to 9. Scores were defined as follows: 1 – dislike extremely, bad; 9 – like extremely, excellent. Numerical averages were then calculated for a composite test score. (Swaminathan 1980) Physical properties of standardized value added products Puffed snack Bulk Density The bulk density was calculated by measuring the actual dimensions of extrudates (AACC, 2000). The diameter and length of extrudates were measured using Vernier caliper. The weight per unit length of extrudate was determined by weighing measured length (about 1 cm). the bulk density was then calculated using the following formula,…show more content…
The presence of calcium oxalate has been attributed to be one of the major causes of acridity. Hence to prevent acridity different pre treatments were tried. Among the 16 treatments tried, soaking in citric acid at 1 percent level for one hour was found to be effective in preventing browning and acridity in elephant foot yam & taro flour by organoleptic evaluation. For Bengal arum (karunai kizhangu) the tubers treated with citric acid at 1 percent for 2 hours was found to be effective in preventing the acridity. Hence the tubers treated with citric acid were used for standardizing different value added

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