Stalingrad Battle Analysis Essay

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Introduction The purpose of this battle analysis is to understand how intelligence plays a key role in military operations using the Battle of Stalingrad as the focus of study. First point to consider is Hitler failed to heed the intelligence given to him by General Friedrich Paulus which resulted in the surrender of the German sixth army. A second point is that the Soviets maintained a very effective military deception campaign that allowed for a build-up of forces unknown to the Germans. Finally, the third point is if General Paulus was able to maintain air superiority and strengthen intelligence capabilities, the sixth army could have helped reinforce the eastern front. An analysis of the Battle of Stalingrad reveals that…show more content…
Hitler sends General Paulus the approval to move his troops and the sixth army pulls out of Stalingrad. Once Soviet intelligence discovers the move of the sixth army, the Soviets change their plan from a counteroffensive to a defensive posture, but ultimately retake Stalingrad with no German resistance. The sixth army regroups with the second army and Hitler discontinues operations order number one so all eastern front operations continue. Hitler orders the sixth army to continue to the Caucas oil fields as originally planned to further damage Soviet production that has proved to be formidable up to this point due to the earlier intelligence from Stalingrad. The Germans utilize resources from the Caucas oil fields and prevent the Soviets from progressing further. At this point the eastern front is at risk for the the Soviets and the Germans have a renewed energy for the western front, possibly lengthening the second world war or ultimately winning. Conclusion In conclusion, an analysis of the Battle of Stalingrad shows that military intelligence plays a key role in how the Germans and Soviets determined the outcome of battle. Hitler

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