Difference Between Learner And Learning

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We use the term “learning” all the time in our daily life. We learn to drive, to speak, to do laundry, to do Mathematics and many more. But the term “learning” in education is a very specific word. Learning is a step-by-step process in which an individual experiences permanent, lasting changes in knowledge, or ways of processing the world. Often, teacher assumes when they teach, students must have learned it. Students “learned” a particular subject if they are able to memorize it and able to write it out during examination. Does that mean that you have “learned” when you are able to answer an examination? Will you be able to use what you have “learned”? Therefore, it is important to understand the interaction between learner and learning.…show more content…
First of all, why do we need learning to learn? Employers today places a little values on employees’ knowledge of facts and is more interested in workers’ command of critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity-the “Four Cs”. Unfortunately, a great many employers describe that their current employees as average in demonstrating these four critical skills, according to a survey from the American Management Association (AMA). The society and individual learners now have different needs. Employers are seeking for workers with people skills and the desire or ability for lifelong learning. Moreover, we would like to produce learners who can apply and use what they have
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