St. Rose Of Lu Analysis

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The book St. Rose of Lima the first canonized saint of America by Mary Fabyan Windeatt, shows the incredible life of a Peruvian girl who by suffering and prayers trace a way to Heaven. Her life elapses in the time of the Spanish Colony in the territory of Lima, Peru in the 16th century. With a strong desire to save the soul of the poor natives, she began her journey carring only her virtues, with the grace of God, soon would discover her path. Among her many virtues, she shows a strong trust in God, charity, and penance. Rose shows proof of her trust in God, she not only had a confident belief in Him, but also she was loyal to His Will. For instance, when she was a little girl she prayed to Baby Jesus to ask Him to be her teacher and to show her how to read and write. In the same matter, as she was growing up, she continued praying for everyone who needed, especially for the poor native's soul. Besides, she lived in completed…show more content…
In the story there are many examples that show her way. For instance, she made an extremely austere life, she fast three days a week: Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, eating only bread and water, and the rest of the time she survived with a few amounts of food. Consequently, some times she would get very weak, one night her Guardian Angel let Doña Maria new about it, so she sent hot chocolate to Rosa. Besides, since she gave many hours to God in prayer and she had to complete many tasks, so she slept only a few hours a day. In addition, she had a bed of strewn with rocks and broken glass inside to increase suffering. Besides, she designed a very small hermit in which the entrance door was so tiny that the unique way to enter was on her knees. So, consequently with her desires to save souls and the tools she had, prayer and suffering, her life was a way of

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