Spokesperson In Crisis Management

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A spokesperson is the main face and voice of any company. The primary responsibility of the spokesperson is to manage the accuracy and consistency of the message coming from the organization. (Carney & Jorden, 1993). A successful organization would have a few spokespersons, as one person cannot be available at all times or when a crisis drags a long way it would not be effective for one spokes person to be handling the entire stakeholders crowd. Spokes person needs to be well trained and must have the ability to work with the media by listening and responding (Coombs, 1999). Crisis experts such as Nicholas (1995), Sonnenfeld (1994) recommends that the spokes person be with media training that usually means practicing responding to media questions. It is very important to have a well-trained spokes person and a CMT. Failure to do so methodically is a recipe for disastrous crisis management. 1.5.2 Crisis Event When an actual crisis comes and hits an organization that is when the preparation of crisis is truly tested. Having a contingency plan or crisis management plan makes it more sensible to control the damage during an event. This is the time when CMP needs to be adopted into real life making a few changes in accordance with the real situation. For instance as mentioned in crisis preparation when organizations…show more content…
Barton (2004) defines crisis containment as “ the decisions and actions that aim to keep a crisis from growing worse”. In most cases when it comes to this stage is it highly required of Emergency medical technicians to stabilize the situation until much more deceive action can be fixed. Barton (2004) proposition that when a crisis strikes an organization, all employees need to think and act like an Emergency medical technician by identifying the problem, and then figuring out what they can do to stabilize the situation and to stop growing it any

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