Speech About Sisterhood

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Hi, I hope whoever is reading this is have a great summer! I am really excited about this form and think it is a great idea. I just wanted to express something that has been bothering me for a few semesters now, which is our level of sisterhood. I think exec does a great job of planning fun events for the chapter, but I feel as though the same sisters show up and each event and stick with the sisters they are already close with. I do not consider myself to be the most outgoing woman in the chapter or the sister who attends every single event, but I am confident in the fact that I make an effort to get to know my sisters. It is really hard seeing a sister around campus who I know (usually through social media stalking—ooops!) and having that sister return a blank stare, stranger-like.…show more content…
Although I love alpha chi, it almost comes to the point where it is difficult to argue against such statements, because it is something that plagues me as well. I love and care about all of the sisters I have gotten to know, I really do. When placed in a situation in which sisters seem as though they do not want to get to know new sisters and almost create a level of exclusivity, it is very disappointing. Feeling like an outsider around certain groups of sisters is perplexing! Being introduced to a sister several times and then seeing that sister out, who says she has never met you, especially in front of non-affiliated women who are looking to go greek, is very

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