Space Privatization Pros And Cons

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go out into space? Well, you might have the chance. NASA is working on sending private companies out into space. By space privatization, or space travel being privatized, it means that some companies may be able to go out into space all by themselves to do certain things, such as leave or bring things on the ISS (International Space Station). It’s important that these companies accomplish these tasks, since it can help future space exploration. This would benefit others, since more jobs would be available, space will be further explored, and we will be able to complete bigger tasks in space. More Jobs As stated in the article, “Houston’s Top Job Creator,” At the same time, privatized space…show more content…
As stated in the journal The Wall Street Journal, “Recent history shows that development programs take a long time to mature, but when they do they can produce excellent results. Since it was given the go-ahead in 1984, the space station has faced delays, cost overruns and an unceasing barrage of criticism. Yet NASA kept at it.” This proves that private space exploration may take a while to become a working thing, but once it does exist it has the power to succeed. However, in The Pros and Cons of Private Space Exploration, the article states, “While America Rests, Others Won't - Charles Krauthammer is dismayed at the thought of the U.S. falling behind other nations. "Sure, decades from now there will be a robust private space-travel industry. But that is a long time. In the interim, space will be owned by Russia and then China." This shows that in the time that it takes to make a working, safe, privatized space company, the U.S will no longer have its ‘owning’ of space privatization that it has today. This does make sense to why others would not want space travel to be privatized, but the only thing that should matter is that space is being explored, not who is exploring…show more content…
According to Wall, “All of these visits, however, will be by private vehicles. The California-based company SpaceX is set to launch its Dragon capsule toward the station on Nov. 30 on its second and final orbital test flight, NASA officials announced last week. And if all goes well, the firm could launch another Dragon capsule on its first operational cargo-carrying mission three or four months later.” This shows that with NASA and another privatized space group, bigger projects can take less time and can bring people together by working on them, which I believe is an important factor to have when doing big projects. Another article that has the similar idea as the one before, the Popular Mechanics article, states, “So far, the private space experiment has worked pretty well. Two companies, SpaceX and Orbital, are delivering cargo to the International Space Station using hardware they designed without strict NASA oversight. The effort to replace the space shuttle with a new private-sector vehicle is also going well, with the three companies hitting milestones and setting dates for flights.” (par. 4, Is the relationship between nasa and private space about to get sour?”) This states that two companies are working together and are completing tasks that would take longer if only one company were

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