Space Exploration Rhetorical Analysis

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Big on Vision, Small on Practicality Humans desire to explore the unknown, and the challenge of man diving deeper into space sparks their interest. Presidents John F. Kennedy, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama presented to the public new and exciting goals for space exploration. Kennedy’s 1962 speech awed his audience as dreams of manned space flight to the moon or beyond finally became possible, and with his encouragement, NASA's Apollo program succeeded when Neil Armstrong’s boots made contact with lunar dirt on July 20, 1969. However, the last manned lunar mission was Apollo 17 in 1972. Since then, presidents who succeeded Kennedy have tried to bring us beyond low Earth orbit, but it hasn’t happened. In early 2004, Bush delivered a major…show more content…
Bush, like Kennedy, also supports manned missions to the moon, but instead of just stepping foot in lunar dirt, he thinks that we should aim to utilize the moon as a resource to reach further into the cosmos. Bush agrees that space exploration provides us with countless benefits that improves our lives, but he creates a new space initiative with a long-range goal of returning humans to the moon, establish a permanent presence there, then move on to Mars. Unfortunately, people reacted to his vision with mostly silence and skepticism. Compared to Kennedy's vision, some individuals may have felt that Bush's effort lacked specificity and a price tag, but since he thought it was best to begin our journey where we left off and did not aim straight for the exploration of Mars, his goal was realistic. Even so, the public did not really support a journey back to the moon because they expected a bigger, more exciting plan. For some Americans, Bush’s new policy increased the desire for extending the boundaries of human settlement. With unmanned rovers sending back fascinating images of the Martian surface, the dream today is to develop the systems needed for a manned Mars mission. As a result, President Obama stepped in to try and put forward a plan that would meet the standards of the

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