Social Classes In The Great Gatsby

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Sean Wei Bertram IB HL English 27 October 2014 Gatsby Film Essay Throughout The Great Gatsby there were many different social classes that were brought forth. These classes represented the American life in the 1920's. The different classes had different lifestyles which would further influence who and what they would become at the turn on the century. Fitzgerald establishes multiple lifestyles of characters to show that ones places in society or how they high they are in class can affect their ability to do what they want or don’t want. The films by Jack Clayton and Robert Markowitz take a step further to show how ones place in society and class ranking do matter to define who they are. Tom and Daisy are represented as a couple who have really…show more content…
This idea of superiority is translated into both movies in different ways. Such as the house the Daisy and Tom live in is pretty much nothing but white inside. Tom and Daisy are foreseen as those who are very elite compared to others. The reason why they had this life of lavish is because they were born into it. Their family members had passed down the wealth from generation to generation and now Tom and Daisy have acquired their wealth. This money that is passed down and both Tom and Daisy don’t have to work often. They use this money for their own entertainment, are able to travel, and play expensive sports such as polo. They are shown as more disconnected to the other people in society because the lifestyle they were taught is far more different than others. They always live with this sense of superiority and always think their…show more content…
There is also Wilson and Myrtle and they live in the City of Ashes with represents the place where many poor people live. Wilson doesn't make a lot of money and this shows him as a character. Since he has no money he isn't able to satisfy Myrtle and this makes him a man who is slowly getting his life sucked out of him. Myrtle is intrigued by money and that is why she goes to Tom. Tom has an affair with Myrtle because is able to satisfy more of his need of superiority in his life. On the other hand there is Nick who has some wealth, but not a lot. He is showed through the movie sort of like a bystander. He is extremely close to Gatsby and soon enough becomes good friends with Gatsby, but not necessarily likes him. He is often filmed standing on the porch and narrating his thoughts and in Clayton's film there are birds eating food very close to him. This is s sense of innocence towards the personality of Nick. He doesn’t make that many actions that can make him unjust. Nick has actions that may be criticized through other people's views of him (such as Jordan or Tom), but since this is from the view of Nick there is a less bias view of himself. Nick is accepted into the group of wealthy people, but doesn't necessarily like their way of life. He then is able to see what is right and wrong and who are the good and the bad. Then apply this to himself. He is seen is one who is well
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