Snare Drum History

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During the early medieval tears a very crude single-sided drum was made which went by the name of a tabor. This drum was usually beat on by a soldier during times of battle to play with the fife or pipe. Later the tabor advanced into a larger size and became more cylindrically shaped, which is what we now call the snare drum. The drum was made of calf-dried calfskin, which was tightened to give it a higher sound, or loosened to give it a lower sound. This snare drum, although its main purpose was to use in armies and war to help soldiers keep their right pace of March and deliver orders through different combinations of strikes on the drum. In camp, there were very common sounds played to the soldiers such as “Tattoo” which told the soldiers…show more content…
The snare drum can have a relaxing or aggressive dynamic which means that its volume in sound can differ. Also, this instrument is played with a higher tempo or speed, compared to most other instruments. The snare drum is also an important part to many drum kits used in popular music genres such as rock, pop, hip-hop, and many others. As the drum started to get more modern the head was constructed out of plastic. This idea is credited to Marion Evans. The cylinder of the drum is made from a variety of different woods or acrylics. The size of the drum designates which genre of music it belongs in, as orchestra snares are shallower than those used for military use or maybe in a rock band. The cylindrical pieces of plywood are heated and then molded to the shape of the snare drum and attached together by the lathe. In rock and pop music the snare drum is used as a background beat by rim shots and in Latin music they are used the same but with a rim click. The snare drum is also used in marching bands. In the marching band playing the snare drum takes a high amount of skill and practice. Modern drum sets called trap sets utilize the snare drum. The sound varies much depending on the type of music played. Bringing the history of the snare drum into the modern era was its use in a trap-set. Traps were a mixture of drums, percussive pieces put into a set of drums. Rock underlined an…show more content…
The violas less responsive strings and the heavier bow warrant a somewhat different bowing technique, and a violist has to lean more intensely on the strings. The viola is held in the same manner as the violin, however due to its larger size, some adjustments must be made to accommodate. The viola, just like the violin, is placed on top of the left shoulder between the shoulder and the left side of the face. Because of the viola's size, violists with short arms tend to use smaller-sized violas for easier playing. The most immediately noticeable adjustments that a player accustomed to playing violin has to make are to use wider-spaced fingerings. It is common for some players to use a wider and more intense vibrato in the left hand, facilitated by employing the fleshier pad of the finger rather than the tip, and to hold the bow and right arm further away from the player's body. A violist must bring the left elbow farther forward or around, so as to reach the lowest string, which allows the fingers to press firmly and so create a clearer tone. Unless the violist has especially large hands, different positions are often used, including half

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