Slavery In 17th Century England

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In the 17th century Britain was going through economic and social change, such as the economic depression causing many to become homeless, leading to many poor becoming indentured servants. The development of slavery in the British colonies can be traced back to Britain's desire for wealth and the economy, the influences of the environment and surroundings. These then lead to consequences that affected slaves socially and whites politically. In England many people wanted to travel to the New World in hopes for finding wealth, some for spreading Christianity, others for refuge such as the pilgrims. The economy of England was a factor that led to slavery. One major economic factor that led to the development of slavery was England's economic status in the 1500-1600s. The population was growing, but when the economic depression hit the woolen trade market in the late 1500s. Resulting in many farmers…show more content…
This therefore resulting in enterprising rhode islanders to become part of the trade of black slaves. Which led to the the increase of slave trading which led to the increase of slaves in the west indies and america. Also because of the fact that indians died too quickly with contact with whites. However in America black slaves cost to much since their was a possibility they may die upon arrival. Therefore causing them to use indentured servants. The economy of England influenced them because once the wages in England increased less people came as indentured servants which most colonies depended on. This caused VIrginia and Maryland to use the headright system to encourage the import of indentured servants. This meant that whoever payed the fee for a passage of a servant got fifty acres of land. Also in the west indies sugar was very labor intensive causing in a major import of slaves to that

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