Sir Peter Scott's Contribution To Wildlife Conservation

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1. Sir Peter Scott (September 14, 1909-August 29 1989) wore many hats throughout his lifetime. He was a naval officer in WWII, an Olympic medalist, a painter, an illustrator, an ornithologist, and most importantly, a conservationist. Throughout his childhood, Scott was deeply committed to the natural world. He spent his days in search of insects, amphibians, and small reptiles, and becoming deeply enamored with birds. He attended Trinity College, Cambridge where he studied natural sciences and, in his spare time, illustrated pictures for the book Adventures Among Birds. He also had a number of his bird paintings appear in the national magazine, Country Life. In 1946, Scott aid in the founding of the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, which is an international…show more content…
Then in 1961, he founded the World Wide Fund for Nature, whose mission is to conserve nature and reduce the threats and damages to Earth’s diversity. Sir Peter Scott was the first person ever to be knighted (in 1973) for contributions to wildlife conservation. I find Sir Peter Scott inspirational because, despite being a very busy man, he was able to integrate all of his passions, such as art, sports, and conservation, into his every day life. He also contributed to a wide-range of conservation efforts and aided in the development of trusts, treaties, and organizations that are vital to…show more content…
Jane Goodall (April 3, 1934) is a British ethologist that is best known for her long-term research on Tanzania’s Gombe Stream National Park chimpanzees. For more than 50 years now, Goodall has studied the social dynamics and family interactions of wild chimpanzees, making her possibly the worlds foremost expert in this field of study. While she found that individual chimpanzees have differing personalities and are capable of emotions and rational thought, she was also the first to uncover the aggressive side of their nature. She observed the systematic hunting and consumption of smaller primates, deliberate killing of younger chimpanzees within the troop, and even cannibalism, a major scientific discovering that challenged preconceived notions. In 1977, she established the Jane Goodall Institute, which supports chimpanzee research, along with the conservation and development of conservation programs throughout Africa. In 1991, Goodall developed Roots & Shoots, an international youth program that focuses on bringing the younger generation together in an effort to spread knowledge of conservation and environmental issues and solutions. She has also shared her knowledge and research on chimpanzees in the few books she has written and published. Goodall also published a book specifically for children to convey the importance of obtaining a compassionate view wildlife. Today, Goodall continues to be an accomplished scientist through her ongoing efforts to education individuals

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