Similarities Between King Lear And A Thousand Acres

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The Duke of Albany’s development in King Lear is similar to Ty Smith’s development in A Thousand Acres. They both remained brief, yet significant characters, specifically toward the end of their respective stories. Described as "merely sketched" and doubtful, Albany remained non-existent and indecisive in opposing his wife due to neglect. Ty developed a similar complex due to neglect from his wife, Ginny Cook-Smith. However, either through abdication of power or corporative development, they both became resolute enough to handle each plot once they began to uncover the hateful nature of others surrounding them. While Goneril’s reign wrought havoc, Albany promoted nature's work and meditated on how events transgressed. In retribution for his wife's actions, he sought admiration through justice from a humanitarian point of view and followed a noble lifestyle. Nevertheless, he accepted any circumstances and judged them as a pattern for survival. However, this caused Albany to lack foresight into Goneril's true evil nature. As the play progressed, Albany renounced his comrades and joined Edgar, Cordelia, Gloucester, and Lear: where he developed a "thematic importance" (Stevenson 257). Eventually, Albany confronted his wife when he learned of her spiteful treatment toward her father. Furthermore, he did not contribute to plots designed by his malicious brother-in-law, Cornwall. In doing so, Albany established dynamic equilibrium between both righteous and villainous standpoints as the plot unfolded.…show more content…
According to multiple sources by Ginny and Ty are unable to procreate, similar to how Goneril was cursed with infertility by Lear. As the story progressed, Ginny became discontented with Ty and began an affair with Jess, much like Goneril’s affair with

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