Sad Song 'By Elena Coats' The Lions Of Little Rock

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The Lions of Little Rock, takes place in the times of segregation. A girl named Marlee, who was a sheepish girl, met Liz. They both became friends quickly and got to know each other quickly. However, Liz was caught pretending to be white, she could not associate with Marlee anymore. When this happened, Marlee was devastated and torn into pieces. She would do anything and risk everything to be with Liz. Until, they both came up with a plan to meet secretly at the Rock Crusher. Everything was going fine, they would meet at the Rock Crusher every Tuesday and see the lions roar at the zoo once in a while; despite the fact that people started to find out that Liz and Marlee were still friends. When people started to find out that they were secretly meeting after all that has happened, they were exposed to danger. A song that can relate to some events of these story is Sad Song, by We the Kings ft. Elena Coats.…show more content…
Like I'm half of a whole. Without you, I've got no hand to hold. Without you, I feel torn. Like a sail in a storm. Without you, I'm just a sad song. I'm just a sad song (Sad Song, by We the Kings ft. Elena Coats).”Usually, you feel incomplete without someone or something you love. You feel you should do anything to be with that person, animal, or thing. However, sometimes you have to risk what you have, just to get what you want. In this case, it is the situation for Marlee and Liz. Ever since Liz has been caught pretending to be white, Marlee has felt incomplete, as though her life is a sad song, but after she was able to reunite with Liz, she found the part that she has been missing and stolen from her life. Together they bonded together, and thought their problems were all over, but they were

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