Similarities Between Dracula And The Victorian Era

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Essay 2 The Victorian era, or the reign of Queen Victoria, has become known a time period that has transcended literature, cinematography, art, and ultimately has become a kind of style for our modern day culture. Bram Stokers novel Dracula is an example and the prime example for this essay of what the Victorian era means to literature as a whole. Most literature has a specific time and place as to where it is set, whether it is set in the mid-west or outer space is has a time and place. However, in Shakespeare’s works, take Much Ado About Nothing, the time and place can be shifted to almost anywhere and the theme would still be universal. Shakespeare’s works have the ability to be in in San Francisco on 1990 and still the show would end…show more content…
Through the characters of Dracula; we as a reader, are not only given a better understanding of this new-found concept of the supernatural, but are given more understanding to Victorian culture as a whole through Stoker’s in depth look at Victorian representation of sex, gender, and sexual orientation. Sex culture is something that has become more and more prominent as generations have evolved. Although the act of sex has been around for hundreds of years, the acceptance of openly revealed sex lives is a relatively new movement compared to how long the act itself has been around. Dracula has many implications of sex without the author having to say it out loud and the novel as a whole has a very strong sexual undertone that carries throughout the whole novel. We see many examples of this. One example is the scene where Lucy gets bitten by Dracula and as she starts her slow and thirsty transformation into a vampire she is thought to have a great sickness in which she needs a blood…show more content…
Victorian women were only expected to have a few duties: to be a good housewife, clean the house, and raise children. Women we not yet empowered the way they are today and they were seen as domestic creatures and nothing more. Once they were wed, they had to give up all property, wages, and any other money they possessed. Ultimately they were made submissive and dependent on their spouses, never to do anything on their own. The ones, who did rebel, became prostitutes and did not live entirely happy lives. It seemed women only had two choices of how they could live. In Dracula, Stoker interestingly taps into two different women archetypes. Lucy is made out to be the beautiful girl that all the boys fawn over and is almost dainty. Lucy more of the “stay home and marry” type of woman Victorian women were expected be however she is slightly “loose” to put it gently. She transfers blood with three men and the way she craves a mans body after she has been changed can be prostitute like in a sense so she treads both lines. Mina however is a whole new woman. Although very devoted to Jonathan, she doesn’t believe her place in life is to just sit back and watch terrible things happen. She is a warrior, a fighter, and becomes a very important part in taking down Dracula. Mina represents the phrase “look like

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