Short-Term Music Training Enhances Verbal Intelligence And Executive Function

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This paper is my first assignment for Physiological Psychology. The first section of this paper critiques an article entitled Short-Term Music Training Enhances Verbal Intelligence and Executive Function. This section is a critique on the article written by Sylvain Moreno, Ellen Bialystok, Raluca Baraca, E. Glenn Schellenberg, Nicholas J. Cepeda and Tom Chau. For this paper I need to analyze and criticize the author’s methods, their results, whether or not this research is valuable, the strength’s and the weaknesses of this study and if the results of this study support the hypotheses. The second part of this paper is another critique on a similar article entitled Singing in The Bain: Independence of Lyrics and Tunes written by M. Besson, F.…show more content…
Since there have been some other studies that have showed that there is some sort of relation between these three. Like a study cited in these article done by Schellenberg (2006) whose results showed how there are clear associations between traditional music lessons and improvement in higher-level cognitive functions. In this article there were several different things these authors wanted to find. There was about four different hypotheses stated in this study. The first hypothesis written in this article by Moreno et al. (2011) was that music training would improve verbal intelligence independently of spatial intelligence and that visual-art training would improve spatial intelligence independently of verbal intelligence. The second one was that music and visual art training can lead to rapid transfer. The next is that both of their computer training programs would improve the participant’s executive control and lastly they also believe music training would increase the amplitude of the P2, which was based off of a pervious study. (Moreno et

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