Gait Analysis Case

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Therapist should do gait analysis. In shoulder examination, therapist should check for arm swinging is present or not. On Palpation: Palpation requires detailed knowledge of anatomy and function of the joint and muscle. The involved site is palpated first from anterior to posterior. The therapist’s hand should stay in firm contact while doing palpation. The therapist can do later if pain is more or it aggravates the symptoms.5 E.g. during palpation the therapist seeks feedback from the patient to help localize painful structure. Therapist should look for these symptoms in adhesive shoulder like localized skin temperature, swelling, tenderness, spasm etc. There can be tenderness to palpation at the bicipital groove at the point where the joint…show more content…
Motor Examination: Tone: Normal, hypertonia or flaccid Joint Motion: Joints and their related structures are examined by performing active and passive joint motion. So the examination of joint motion begins by testing active ROM of right side of shoulder and then checks passive ROM of right side of shoulder and compare to left side of shoulder. Active movement: Pain: acute condition, pain and spasm restrict the movement. Pain experienced throughout the abduction elevation movements Chronic condition, Pain experienced at the end range of abduction and elevation. ROM: restricted in capsular pattern i.e. external rotation and abduction restricted more, and internal rotation and flexion restricted to lesser extent. Painful arc: pain may be present during mid-range of abduction-elevation. Passive movement: Acute condition, pain experienced throughout some movements like flexion, abduction and external rotation. Chronic condition, Due to stretching of tight capsule, pain experienced at the end range of existing limited abduction elevation movement. Painful arc may be present at the mid-range of abduction-elevation. End feel: End feel is different in stages. In acute stage, muscle spasm end feel with pain encountered before the motion barrier and in chronic stage, leathery end feel with pain encountered after the motion…show more content…
But Therapist can use weight after pain reduces. 10 (p-491) Pendulum exercises can be used without weight to control pain by grade II joint distraction and oscillation. Moist heat or TENS for pain relief: both relieve pain at affected area. But in diabetic patient, therapist must look for sensation and skin color. Passive range of motion should do in all pain free range. Patient will progress to active ROM when pain decreases. Joint mobilization: grades I-II used in the early stages to inhibit pain and to improve joint nutrition Posture correction: chin tucking and exercise for elevation, depression, protraction and retraction can be done in front of mirror. For that, practice and repetitive reminder are necessary. Shoulder stabilization exercises like pressing hands together (like doing Namaste

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