Shadow In Lord Of The Flies

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Carl Jung, the father of the archetype and analytical psychology, had many theories. Two of these theories are shadow and persona. The theory of shadow states that all of mankind has a dark side. This part of us consists of primitive, negative, socially unacceptable human characteristics. Think of lust, selfishness, and savagery. ("Carl Jung - Archetypes - Shadow") Carl Jung says the shadow is “that hidden, repressed, guilt-laden personality…” (Diamond) Persona, however, is the mask we put on when we go out into the world. Think of how you act when you are around your parents versus how you act at school versus when you are by yourself. These two theories support Lord of the Flies as a psychological allegory. One of the entities a reader of Lord of the Flies sees the most in the novel are the beasts and the boys’…show more content…
In the scene in which Simon sees the pig’s head in the jungle, the head says to him, “…Fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill... You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you? …” (128) The beast isn’t real, it doesn’t exist at all. The beast is within them, and had never shown its face until things got rough on the island. (Michel-Michot) The boys try their best to remain civilized and keep the qualities of the rules from their previous society intact, but the primitive qualities shine through. These instincts, to a civilized society, are seen as negative, and are to be hidden in the unconscious. The theory of shadow states that all men have a dark side to their personalities, the unconscious part of us that is capable of bad things. We, as people, project these unwanted qualities of ourselves to our surroundings. The boys project their bad qualities onto
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