Separation Of Powers In The United States

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The separation of powers is still as important today, if not more important, than when the founders rote the u. s. constitution. The separate of powers is the division of the government into three branches: executive, judicial and legislative. The judicial branch decides if government decisions are constitutional or not. The executive branch commands the military and can veto laws. The legislative branch makes new laws. This separation of powers is very important to our modern system of government. The separation of powers was important to the founders of the United States. A major problem the colonists had with Britain was the large, central government in which the monarch functioned as all three branches, holding enormous quantities of power. As Thomas Jefferson said, “Most bad government comes from too much government.” History…show more content…
For example, President Obama (executive branch) Attempted to appoint John Brennan, a man who worked with Obama’s drone program of killing U.S. citizens suspected of terrorism, as head of the C.I.A. However, Senator Rand Paul (judicial branch) filibustered the vote, using the power of checks and balances to prevent Brenan from being elected. That is not the only reason separation of powers is still useful. The U.S. government is a huge, and having everyone do everything would be disorganized. Therefore, separating the duties of the government into three branches ensures more efficiency. Without the organization, we would have a smaller group of people in power, and they’d do everything. Another reason separation of powers is important is that some would wish to overstep their boundaries. For example, the judicial branch has taken some of the power traditionally reserved for the legislative branch. If we allow too much of this to happen, we risk compromising American Principles. We should not let the separation of powers be
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