Separation Of Checks And Balances In The United States

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The United States Constitution has several unique principles some being separation of powers and checks and balances. Separation of powers divides powers among the government institutes. Checks and balances allow each branch of government to participate and influence one another. The founders of the constitution created these principles to work together to prevent from forming into a tyranny. Separation of power gives the three branches of government their own responsibilities to deal with on a daily basis. The Legislative Branch is made up of the house of representative and the senate, together known as congress. Congress has the power to pass federal laws, override the president’s veto, impeach the president, and establish lower courts. The Executive Branch consist of the President, vice president, the cabinet, and the executive office. This branch has the power to enforce laws, veto bills, appoint judges, make treaties, and the president if commander and chief of the military. The judicial branch is made up of the Supreme Court which can try federal trial and decide if a law is unconstitutional.…show more content…
The executive branch as the power to veto a bill which has been passed by the legislative branch. For example congress passed the Stem Cell Research Enrollment Act of 2005 the next year George W. Bush vetoed the bill. The legislative branch has to power to impeach a federal judge, like they attempted with Samuel Chase in 1804. The judicial branch has power over the executive branch by having the power to impeach the president. Both presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeach and if Richard Nixon had not resigned he would likely be the third. These are just a few examples on how each branch of government has power over the other making them all
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