Self Disclosure In Health And Social Care

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Self-Disclosure. Self –disclosure is a process of communication by which one person reveals information about himself or herself to another. The information can be descriptive or evaluative, and can include thoughts, feelings, aspiration, goals, failure, successes, fears and dreams, as well as ones likes dislikes and favourites. Ignatius, Emmis, Marja Kokkonen (2007). “ Factors contributing to verbal self-disclosure “. Nordic psychology 59(4)) : 362-391. Strategies to maintain professional relationship and determination of Boundaries. *Do not try to shift the focus of the professional relationship from meeting the client to creating friendship. *A disclosure is only be made if the disclosure serves the support persons goal and least…show more content…
*A self-disclosure which is released in a non-official setup may spread rumours about the person if someone overheard the conversation. Example. I work at a respite group as a DSW. On first day of work after the initial training from the agency I was assigned to support a person for a 3-11pm shift. When I reach my work place the support worker who was doing 7-3pm shift introduce me to the individual who was already there. While discussing the care required to support the individual the other support worker made a disclosure to the support person that I have just started my profession as a DSW and remind if I miss any support during the shift. After the other staff left the place I explained the support person that as per the care plan I am going to transfer you from the chair to the lazy boy with the lift as his mobility was limited. The person refuse the care and told me that he is not confident in me to use the lift to transfer him as I heard that you are new in this job. I respected his decision and stop proceeding the procedure. After 10 minutes from his care plan I came to know that the person I support has an immense interest in country music. Later in our conversation we spoke about country music to create an interpersonal relationship. Later on the conversation I explained to him that I am trained in using lifts and I already read your reference in using sling and I also added that you can guide me during the procedure if I go wrong. Eventually he was convinced and allowed me to do the procedure
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