Schizophrenia Case Study Essay

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Q is a 20 month old female who was seen at the Speech and Hearing clinic for an initial audiological evaluation. She was referred by her pediatrician, who suspects she has otitis media with effusion. Q was accompanied by her mother, Ms. C who served as the primary informant. Q has five siblings: ranging from two to eleven years of age. Her oldest sibling is currently utilizing a third set of pressure equalizing tubes. Additionally, Ms. C reports that her nephew; who was born to normal hearing parents, wears cochlear implants. Approximately a week ago, Ms. C noticed that Q was not responding when spoken to from a far distance. This abnormal behavior raised concerns that something may be impacting Q’s hearing ability. Therefore, she took Q to…show more content…
The tympanic membrane of the right ear could not be visualized due to lack of compliance by the patient. However, it should be noted that no redness or swelling was visualizes on the auricles or external auditory canals. Tympanometry screening revealed type C tympanograms bilaterally, indicating negative pressure in the middle ear. This is consistent with the pediatrician’s suspicion of otitis media with effusion. Distortion product otoacoustic emission testing revealed present distortion product and signal to noise ratio greater than 6 dB HL bilaterally; indicating normal outer hair cell function. C appeared lethargic; therefore ear-specific testing could not be performed at this time. Speech detection threshold was performed via sound field utilizing monitored live voice, revealing a threshold of 15 dB SPL. This is indicative of the best threshold of either ear responding. Speech bone was performed via monitored live voice, revealing a threshold of 10 dB HL. This indicates the response of the better cochlea. These results should be interpreted with caution, as it only suggests not prove normal

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