Scarlet Letter Anti Transcendentalism Essay

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Authors will often articulate their personal beliefs through their writings. Nathaniel Hawthorne incorporates the conflicts of right and wrong, good and evil as he develops his characters. The reader is led to believe these conflicts are addressed through the character’s relationship with God. Hawthorne emphasises Anti-Transcendentalist perspectives on realism, the inner evil of men, spiritual forgiveness, and the feeling of guilt. His portrayal of anti-transcendentalist concepts and symbolism appear throughout the characters of The Scarlet Letter. One pillar of anti-transcendentalism is realism. Hawthorn creates characters who have realist’s views. They are observant of their surroundings and have an appreciation for fate and destiny. To this end, the characters see what has happened in the past or to others in similar situations as theirs, and the individuals use this to assume or predict their own outcome. Hawthorne selection of images from the biblical story David, Bathsheba, and Nathan the Prophet to adorn the young clergyman’s walls was an ironic omen of what was unfolding in Dimmesdale’s life. Dimmesdale knew of the sin he had committed, knew the bible to see what was being depicted in the tapestry, and similar to a realist, knew what the outcome would most certainly be. Evil would be his downfall.…show more content…
The darkness will be prevalent when the individual turns away from their spiritual faith and toward temptation. Hester succumbs to this evil spirit as a temptation which Hawthorne depicts as adultery. Dimmesdale knew his committing adultery with Hester was evil. However his dark side manifested in his hiding the truth to preserve his congregation’s perception of him. Dimmesdale lied to everyone, especially himself. Similarly, Hawthorne’s Chillingworth has a malevolent side which led him to continually seek revenge on Dimmesdale while portraying a

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