Satire On Rape

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"What were you wearing?" "Men can't be raped." "Well maybe you shouldn't have..." "Boys will be boys." "But he's such a good person..." "You're overreacting." "You probably just want attention." "You deserved it." These phrases are often heard in a society with a rape culture, and, unfortunately, the United States of America is one of them. Our country is engulfed in rape culture and most people don't believe it despite that it shows up everyday from innocent jokes to the lack of persecution of those responsible for the crime. In fact, most of the time, it's the victim being blamed when a rape occurs. What is victim blaming? Victim blaming is the act of putting the victim at fault for the harassment that occurred. In our country, one in…show more content…
Such comments normalize rape and make it seem like an acceptable thing. If a rapist were to hear someone say they “raped” the test they just took or the homework that was assigned the other night, the rapist might think that it’s fine for them to rape since people don’t seem to be making a big deal about it. And it’s much worse if a victim were to hear a rape joke. They went through an extremely traumatic experience and are reminded of it whenever someone plays it off as a humorous thing. Normalizing rape and making it seem like a joke make it harder for a victim to be taken seriously and easier for a rapist to get away with what they…show more content…
There are full grown adults who seem to believe that a woman's body can naturally stop a rape from occurring. And there are also people who ask the question “Why didn’t you fight back?” Most of the time, if someone is being forced to do something against their will, they are going to try and prevent it as much as possible (unless they are being threatened with death). Also, some people believe that men can’t be victims of rape. Society tends to paint male victims as weak and tells them that they should “take it like a man.” It’s due to this that most male victims are silent about what happened because they’re too afraid of being told that they should be glad it happened. Surprisingly (or not), schools are where a lot of rapes are happening. In fact, it’s gotten so bad at some colleges that they require their female students to take self-defense lessons. But that doesn’t stop them from allowing rapists to go without punishment if they’re on sports teams. That’s right, some schools value the money they make off of sports more than they value a victim’s safety. Unfortunately, this is also occurring in high
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