Mary Robinson Enlightenment

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The Enlightenment period is considered an important period in the human beings history. The thought that the average person could change the status quo could for the better, was unheard of. With the power of being able to create a change in society, one had to get their message to the world what needed to be changed and why, with some of these changes still being felt today. During the Enlightenment period Mary Robinson used this new found desire for change in a more direct way to get her message across with her work called “A Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination”. This letter shows how she feels women are treated not like a fellow human, but as a subservient being to their husband and other men. While Voltaire…show more content…
Asking that “If woman is not permitted to assert a majesty of mind, why fatigue her facilities with the labors of any species of education?” (Robinson 288). Bring the reader back to the main argument that change for women as a whole needs to happen and that it will not happen if women continue to be stagnant and complacent with allowing man to decide what they can and cannot…show more content…
Satire is used to mock and bring attention to serious issues in society. The main characters of the story express what Voltaire believes is wrong with society and needs to be changed. Candide lived in a marvelous castle and he is described as being ignorant of what goes on around him with “His features admirably expressed his soul; he combined an honest mind with great simplicity of heart; and I think for that reason they called him Candide” (Voltaire 424) and is proved again when Candide sought passage to Venice and found Mr. Vanderdendure, Candide was easily talked into paying not only thirty thousand piastres, but then leaving two sheep who were caring millions in gold and precious stones by (Voltaire 456). As Candide searches for his love Cunégonde he uses the teachings of Pangloss as a beacon to help him through his adventure. The overall character Candide shows the gap between social classes and that people live in bubbles that ignore those who they think are below them, similar to how Robinson expressed that men and women lived in bubbles and ignorant to what is really

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