Rwanda Holocaust Similarities

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Genocides across time have similar causes and effects. The holocaust and the mass genocide in Rwanda had similar causes in respects to their origins, how the cultural groups were effected, their solutions and after math. The trauma, fear and anger the victims went through were universally similar. The two genocides contrast in their reasoning for conflict, killing methods, cultural patterns and resolutions. Rwanda and its various kingdoms began coalescing in the 11th century. A monarchy was established in the 15th century by a Tutsi King with a hierarchy of Tutsi nobles and gentry. In some areas, Tutsi and Hutu lineages lived in interdependent cooperation under the nominal control of the king. Eventually, in the 17th century, pastoral relations…show more content…
In Rwanda, the Hutus were upset they lost their president to the hands of the Tutsi. This caused the Hutus lots of hatred and incentive to purify the country by getting rid of the Tutsis. The Hutus believed the Tutsis in the past had special treatment, generally always had a high position in society. All of these reasons led to a collective feeling of jealousy, hatred, and accusation of responsibility towards the country’s problems (History 5). The Nazis believed that the Jews were responsible for Germany’s defeat in 1918. The genocide largely operated on revenge, but also is credited towards stereotypes of Jews being criminals, murderers and…show more content…
We see a number of times in history a tragic event can stay in headlines for a number of years, news that stays in headlines for a couple of years effects people that are only watching but only a few of us can sympathize with the group on realistic levels. Before the Holocaust, the Jews were a large part of Europe. They could call it their home, and it’d be as much of their home as the Germans. Many Jews would live in concentrated towns called shtelts. European Jews would often live a somewhat private life, often speaking Yiddish (Wiesel). The younger Jews would begin to adapt to modern times, wearing normal clothes and such while the older more traditional Jews could be seen wearing traditional clothes. Jews culture in Western Europe was almost opposite of that in Eastern. They did not let traditions play as large of a role in their daily lives and blended in with average society. The Tutsis culture before the Rwandan genocide was well off. Tutsis were often landowners, while the Hutu worked their land. Naturally this caused the Tutsis to be outnumbered. The Belgians were the European group that were inhabiting Rwanda at the time and they put the Tutsis in charge; thinking they were educated and special that could be trusted with power. Since the Tutsis were chosen, the Hutu felt cheated and began to hate the Tutsi. After each genocide, it is almost impossible for a single culture

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