Ruth Bader Ginsburg Research Paper

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg Born on 15th March, 1933, Ruth Bader Ginsburg grew up to become the second woman ever on the United States Supreme Court. She is well known as a legal architect for women’s rights, which has seen her on the front line of the modern women’s movement (Bayer 4). She is among the individuals that pointed out that the United States Constitution contained numerous laws that encouraged gender discrimination, which led to preferable treatment of men than their female counterparts. She noted that some laws tended to lean more towards better treatment of males instead of offering equal opportunities and rights to all as it was the initial intention of the U.S. Constitution. She was born to Nathan Bader and Cecilia Amster Bader in Brooklyn, New York. Ruth considers her mother to be her role model and a great influence in her life especially at a time when women were being forced to fight for the rights and privileges that the opposite gender took for granted. After her appointment to the Supreme Court in 1993, she stated that she prayed she would become all her mother would have been had she had the opportunity to live in an era where women had the opportunity to achieve their goals and get the same opportunities as men (Bayer 22). While her mother had once hoped to join college, she was forced to…show more content…
She gained interest in law while at grade school. At such a tender age, Ruth wrote numerous articles about the Magna Carta in her school’s newspaper (Toonin 113). The Magna Carta is a document representing the first steps towards the attainment of freedom in English-speaking countries. She later joined the Cornell University from which she graduated with honors in government. Soon afterwards, she married, Martin Ginsburg, and moved to Harvard to be with him. Here, she joined the Harvard Law School where she worked on its Law

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