Billy Collins

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Some poems ignite flames of emotions when you read them, others just leaves you puzzled and second guessing everything you even came up with. The beauty of poetry is that it demands the reader to approach it with no preconceptions and often plays the game of hard-to-get, all the while seducing various notions. Irony is the perfect example of that, the thrill makes you want to reading on, not knowing the ending of the poem can just throw the train of emotions off rail. The different styles each poems practiced in only add to their mystery and to their indecipherability. The poems from the list had many similarities, but yet they were so different. Some were easier to decipher and the images that came to mind as I read the words on the page…show more content…
For example in “Introduction to Poetry” the poet gives the poem personification, stating that the poem is tied to a chair and tortured until a confession is giving up (stanzas 12-14). Billy Collins breathes life into an inanimate object, he uses rhetoric to amplify the poem’s cryptic meaning. Billy Collins also states in the poem, “I say drop a mouse into a poem and watch him probe his way out,” he is inferring that the poem is a mazes and the readers are mice trying to maneuver through obstacles to reach the consolation prize. Marilyn Nelson also use the same method in her poem “How I discovered Poetry,” she speaks on how the poem her teacher Mrs. Purdy read to the class smitten her. “It was like soul-kissing, the way the words filled my mouth,” she emphasize how her first time hearing poetry was special, and she characterized the poem as if it give her a kiss from the heavens. Giving life to the poems appears to be commonly used in a few poems from the list. “Poetry Should Ride the bus,” is a precise example, the title itself highlights poetry as a physical being. Throughout this poem, Ruth Forman gives poetry human characteristics to make her point. She starts off with, “poetry should hopscotch in a polka dot dress wheel cartwheel n hold your hand when you walk past the yellow crackhouse,” poems are unable to hopscotch and hold your hand. In “How poetry came to see me,” Gary Snyder…show more content…
The poem that really made me break a mental sweat was by William Carols Williams. I could not decipher what the cat and Jamcloset symbolized. There can be many meaning to this poem, but I enjoyed the fact that it challenged me to think outside the box. “Poetry Should Ride the Bus,” made me feel a sensation of joy. I love the fact that I can relate to this poem, Ruth Forman writes about things I seen my whole life. The fact that she mixed it with poetry made it even more intriguing. She writes, “Poetry should wear bright red lipstick n practice kisses in the mirror,” that something my older sister used to do and it is fascinating how she applies that to explain her main of poetry. Towards the ending, Ruth wrote a few line that really made my insides erupt with happiness, “all the year of your life never forgettin to look you in the soul every once in a while n smile.” Although the other poems were entertaining, these two really stood out to me. One made me confused and made me feel like a lost kid in a mall, but I enjoyed the challenged to find my way back to my parents. The other, combusted sparks of delight and joy. Poetry has changed in my eyes and appears to be very fascinating. I plan to read poems more
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