Rubik's Cube Case Study

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Selected by management to attend and brief fellow PAU Officers upon my return on “Rubik's Cube” a joint targeting initiative conducted by various U.S. Ports Of Entry to target Nigerian drug traffickers. Conference held in Miami, FL, and representatives included CBP, UK Border Services, UK Consulate in Miami and representatives of the Nigerian National Drug Law Enforcement Agency. The conference covered various targeting methods used successfully at various U.S. Ports of Entry to interdict internal body carriers and joint international cooperation in targeting drug smuggling and money laundering. Entrusted by management to substitute for their presence in conducting tours of the secondary and PAU areas for dignitaries of a foreign government, business and other federal, municipal agencies to provide an informative overview of the secondary and PAU operations and responsibilities while guarding against the disclosure of sensitive or classified information. IMMIGRATION ADVISORY PROGRAM (IAP): From periods in 2008 and 2009 served on two temporary duty assignments (TDY’s) totaling thirteen months at Heathrow International Airport located in London, England. The primary responsibility involved providing emerging substantive intelligence collection and dissemination activities by using advance information from the NTC-P, working in partnership with host government authorities and air carriers to identify possible terrorists and other high-risk passengers. When a threat was…show more content…
As OD, I reviewed and securely stored incoming deferred inspections from other Ports Of Entry until appointment date. The initial review included reviewing the basis of deferred inspection, performing a detailed preliminary case review of the “A” file and in cases involving criminal conviction(s) obtaining certified police/court records from appropriate jurisdiction(s) prior to applicant’s appointment

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