Role Ambiguity

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Role ambiguity was associated with greater job satisfaction as well as increased lower commitment, anxiety and a diathesis to leave the organization (Pelletier, 1985). Research proven that ambiguity follows many negative and corruptive consequences which decreased with one’s job, anxiety, higher level of tension and the greater possibility of leaving the organization. Role-making process is complicated by poor communication between role senders and role receivers as well as from turbulence within task environment, which requires continual modifications in sent roles (Rethual, 2003).The "role-making" process begins for the role incumbent and the role senders and is a continual process. Based on research work overload happens during demands are…show more content…
Normal circumstances, people should be able to find new balances and responses in their reactions to new situations (Rethual, 2003). The age-old, genetically determined reaction of human beings to threats or pressure has the primary objective of preparing them for intense physical activity of the fight or flight type (Rethual, 2003). This involves a quickening of heartbeat and breathing rhythm and the diversion of more blood to the muscles than to other organs. The release of adrenaline and noradrenalin raises levels of glucose and free fatty acids in the blood stream to provide greater energy (Chadha, 1999). All of us are affected at one time or another by work-related stress. Although occupational stress is by no means a new phenomenon, it is becoming increasingly globalized and affects all countries, all professions and all categories of workers, including both blue and white-collar workers, as families and society in general (Pelletier, 1985). Whilst, stress at work is most frequently considered in the context of the industrialized countries, workers in developing countries are also undoubtedly affected. The relationship between gender, work and stress is complex. Several factors appear to magnify the impact of stress on women, chief among them being the preponderant role that women still play in the provision of family care. It is well-established that the total workload of women who are employed full-time is higher than that of full-time male workers, particularly where they have family responsibilities (Pelletier, 1985). The should invest interest in assisting their employees by managing stress. They can use institutional programs and wellness programs. The management also can redesign especially stressful jobs, try to reduce or eliminate rotating shift and rearrange daily work schedules. Wellness programs are specifically created to help individuals deal with stress. Stress management programs, health

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