Roid Regulations: Steroids In Sports

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Roid Regulations Athletes have been using and abusing drug substances such as steroids dating back to the first Olympics. Ever since then athletes have started to abuse the usage of performance enhancing drugs. Injecting steroids for sports can cause the game to be unfair to the opposing team or person. Besides that, they are illegal for competitive sports. Steroids have always cause rage in the public eye when it comes to sports. Because of steroids we have repercussions in sports. So the big question is, should we make them legal? Since the beginning of sports, people have taken drugs to enhance their performance. Dating back to ancient Greece, during the first Olympics, consuming drugs was allowed. They used it as a way to make themselves…show more content…
In 2012 Lance Armstrong, a professional bicyclist, had been stripped of his 7 Tour de France titles for using performance enhancing drugs to help him win. (Reed Albergotti And Vanessa O'Connell). Another bicyclist by the name of Alberto Contador was found guilty and stripped of his 2010 Tour de France title. He had tested positive to clenbuterol (used to treat breathing disorders like asthma) (Clenbuterol - Steroid .com). ( People actually want to make it legal. There are some organizations that believe we should allow doping in sports. They believe we could have one group of individuals, who are their “natural” selves, and then have supernatural people who use performance-enhancing drugs or prosthetic legs that make them run faster, jump higher, and kick harder. Lindsey Vonn was a professional skier. She tore her ACL skiing one day. An opinion from David Ewing is that instead of repairing her torn ACL, Lindsey Vonn could have replaced her entire leg, (or both) so that they are far more advanced than her original legs. She would never suffer another leg injury…show more content…
According to the article Duke mulls over steroid regulations, “Duke’s current policy was last updated in August 2004. The first-offense penalty changed from suspension from 10 percent of a team’s regular-season contests to therapy and notification of the athlete’s coach, teammates and parents. No suspension is listed in the current policy for first-time offenders.” Duke is only a college, but in MLB the penalties are a lot harsher. Since the random testing in 2004 has started, MLB institutes a 50 game suspension for a first time offense, 100 games for a second offense, and a lifetime ban for a third, (“‘Strike out?’ Should steroid users be banned from the baseball Hall of

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