Rogier Van Der Weyden Essay

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The theme of Death or After-life heavily influenced artwork during both the Northern and Italian Renaissance. While both periods shared similar elements, they each were distinct in the way they used perspective, position, and emotion to depict their figures. The works “The Descent from the Cross” and “The Lamentation of Christ” both show the aftermath of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. While both use the same subject matter, they are two different interpretations done by artists over a century apart. Rogier van der Weyden, who painted “The Descent from the Cross” was a painter during the early Northern Renaissance. Weyden was an extremely successful painter during his time who achieved international recognition due to his unique artistry. Originally the apprentice of Flemish painter Robert Campin, Weyden learned the art form of detailed realism. He used real life models for his work, and early on strived to capture the distinct details in each of his figures. It is also possible that Weyden, who never signed any of his works inherited this from Campin. While still growing as an artist Weyden was influenced by various artists besides his mentor. One such artist was Jan van Eych whose use of “subtle visual refinements” influenced the manner in which Weyden painted. Much later in his life Weyden’s work skewed more towards the abstract with his figures…show more content…
During the creation of Giotto’s work there was a new pope being selected, as well as a war between England and Scotland for the independence of the Scottish people. Contrast this with the Era in which Weyden created his work in which the Ming Dynasty had disbanded their Naval fleet which led to the altering of power in the Indian Ocean. Also worth noting, during this time Jan van Eych created “The Arnolfini Portrait”, a painting known for its mysterious undertones which leave it open to varied

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