Rodney J. Sawatsky Gracious Christianity Book Review

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This paper covers the book Gracious Christianity by Douglas Jacobsen & Rodney J. Sawatsky. The name accurately describes the general topic of the book, but delves much deeper into the meaning of Christianity. In addition to the understanding of Christianity, the authors explain the root cause behind the foundations for their perspectives. Their intent is not to persuade the reader, but rather to shine light on topics often overlooked. They want their audience to use the book to strengthen their beliefs in Christ, and to create a conversation with them. Gracious Christianity Synopsis The book Gracious Christianity is written by two separate authors: Douglas Jacobsen and Rodney J. Sawatsky. The two “have become soul mates in their thinking…show more content…
Forgiveness occurs quite often in Christianity, and this is because everyone needs forgiveness for their sins. If forgiveness rights the wrongs, than renewal provides opportunities to prevent the wrongs to begin with. Furthermore, reconciliation invites us to become more like God, and it also encourages us to invite others to participate. The Spirit of Life One of the most important roles The Holy Spirit plays is described by the Nicene Creed as “the Lord, The Giver of Life.” Evidence of this role is sprinkled throughout the Bible, such as Genesis with creation of man or the book of Job, which states the necessity of God’s spirit for life to exist. This not only applies to man but also to the whole world, so the gift of life is everyone’s to find joy in. Life itself can be broken down to a simple path created by saying yes and no. To say yes to something means one must say no to other options, and this is no different with the Spirit. The decision provided by the spirit is widely considered to be saying yes to life or to death. Though saying yes to life can cause a physical death, it also calls for the death of self-will, vengeance, and revenge. Instead, one must fall into God’s gracious

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