Robert Frost's 'Acquanted With The Night'

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“Acquanited with the Night” In Robert Frost's, “Acquanted with the Night”, Frost uses symbolism to expand feelings of hopelessness, suffering, and injustice by writing predominately in images using poetic elements to reiterate depth and occurrences through repition and punctuation. In analyzing “Acquanted with the Night,” Frost's use of symbolism relates the vast darkness of the night with inner turmoil to deepen the desolation within himself. Double-voiced wording relates symbolism and imagery by associating important words like “watchman,” “luminious clock,” and “time” with Frost's concept of the night coinciding with his own demise. Frost details symbolism and imagery with poetic elements, such as personificaiton and synecdoche making alienation…show more content…
The theme of isolation is supported claiming, “I have outwalked the furthest city light...down the saddest city lane.” We realize the tone is moving away from society and focusing on inner turmoil. Concrete words like “rain” and “cry” reinforce tone, adding weather and sound to the atmosphere. Frost fades between images and symbols, specifically with double-voiced wording, or words with double meaning. As Frost's “passed by the watchman on his beat” he is relating his observations of his own empending death, fortold by the watchman, to symbolize time with death or cycles of depression. Frost's similarity in words choice like “watchman”, “luminous clock”, and “time” validates that isolation can be timed with night and death, intertwining allusions. The “luminous clock” symbolizes time and death, but also creates imagery of the moon, held “against the sky”. Frost's much like the watchman is meticulous in word choice to frame a continuous…show more content…
The destruction of society or the self is made more memorable with personification when Frost proclaims to have “dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.” Realistically eyes can not be dropped, but by removing sight vivid images of the loss of sight are more sustainable than seeing all of devastation. Removing sight requires other senses to express suicide, depression, or violence but the removal of sight is inclusive to the images adding to Frost's theme of turmoil. Another poetic element Frost uses to connect the whole theme of calamity within society and the self is with the use of synecdoche to connect many of Frost's experiences to the whole theme. “I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet,” creates a tone of silence with imagery of alienation from others. The images of despair and seculsion using double-voiced wording, poetic elements, and repetition to symbolize cycles of depression and meticulously count down his

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