Grease Movie Analyse

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Grease, directed by Randal Kleiser with instrumental soundtrack composed by Michael Gibson and musical numbers composed by various artists shows the idealized love of a musical. With random breakouts into song, the intensity of Danny and Sandy’s love, and integration of songs into their thoughts illustrate typical elements of a musical. In Summer Nights, the two join in song separately, and everyone joins in, showing a level of company not existing in the real world. Throughout the entire film, the breaking into song and dance show the emotions of the characters in a way that dialogue is not able to achieve. Grease was generally void of background music, driven by musical numbers. However, Gibson’s musical score predominantly included a theme for the drag race and Rydell High School. The drag race theme was a fast driven theme, similar to many 50’s rock songs of Jerry Lee Lewis or other rockers. The piano driven theme adds to the intensity of the race. Likewise, the theme for Rydell provided an emotional song to convey that the students would have to be saying…show more content…
Danny and Sandy spontaneously break into song at separate locations. The music for the song started before they started singing. Soon after, their friends joined in the song. The upbeat and happy song showed that there seemed to be no problems with their summer, as both seemed to be agreed that they were both very happy at the time. As Dyer believed, the company of musicals differs from the real world. As seen, groups join together in song. There is also a sense of emotional transparency, as Danny and Sandy reveal their emotions unlike the real world. Likewise, by putting Danny on the bleachers, and especially at the end of the song where he poses near the top of the bleachers, while Sandy is on the ground, shows his popular and power throughout the

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