Robert Cormier Heroes Analysis

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After reading and analyzing the book “Heroes,” by Robert Cormier, I do not consider Francis to be a hero. I do not consider Francis to be a hero due to the fact that everyone labeled him a hero based on one thing he did, he saved all the soldiers by throwing himself on top of the grenade. Another reason why I do not consider Francis to be a hero is because what he committed was not a heroic action. I considered it more of a cowardly action. Those are just a few reasons why I, myself, do not consider Francis to be a hero. I don’t consider Francis to be a hero because I did not like the fact that he was being labeled a hero for saving the soldiers through trying to kill himself by falling on the grenade. In chapter 14 Francis and Larry LaSalle are involved in a conversation and Francis says, “I went to war because I wanted to die.” Later throughout the conversation Francis states, “When I fell on the grenade wasn’t trying to save those GIs. I saw my chance to end it all, in a second. But a freak accident happened. My face got blown off and I didn’t…show more content…
The night that Nicole was molested, Francis left Nicole alone with Larry even though she wanted Francis to stay and accompany her. In chapter 11 when Francis was leaving the “Wreck Center” he did not actually leave, but he stayed in a little foyer waiting for the song that Larry and Nicole were dancing to to end. After the song Larry and Nicole were dancing to ended, Francis heard a sighing sound which could’ve been a moan. Francis remained there listening to what was happening to Nicole, and he didn’t go help or go look for help. When Nicole came out of the “Wreck Center” she saw Francis standing there with her lips all swollen, cheeks moist with tears, and with a torn up blouse. That was another of the few reasons why I, myself, do not consider Francis to be a

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