Life Of Pi Rhetorical Analysis

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Lyin and the Tiger Dorothy Allison said, “Things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies.” In Yann Martel’s thought provoking action novel Life of Pi, he conveys Pi’s journey in a way that can be told through allegories that pertain to everyday life. The carnivorous island that Pi falls upon in the ocean is an allegory of how the island is like being stuck in lies; this is presented by how the island and lies both are hard decisions to make but they happen, they both provide comfort and stability for a brief moment, and they ultimately eat up the subconscious until the truth is revealed. To illustrate, Pi stumbling upon the algae island pertains to lies by how at first it might be unsure about doing the right or wrong thing, but ultimately follow through with the actions chosen. Particularly, Pi comes across the island and believes he is just hallucinating until he walks where “ [he] did not sink. Still [he] did not believe” (Martel 258). Before telling lies, there is the internal moral compass to decide if it is the right decision like how Pi had this uncertainty of if the island was a figment of his imagination. The two situations relate, by how the person is skeptical about what is…show more content…
Moreover, as Pi makes the discovery that the island is real, as he commits heavily to eating by how he “went at it with both hands, force-feeding [his] mouth” as he ensures himself that he is doing the right

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